GFP097: Farming Makes You Purge

t’s a cliche as this point that “farming is hard”. Yeah, we know. Anyone that has tried to work the land knows full well how ruthless Mother Nature can be and how unforgiving the farm can seem at times.

What gives me hope for the future is that the current generation of farmers getting into agriculture are bringing with them tools of all kinds. Drones, software, new planting innovations, and the knowledge sharing tool that is the internet. We now have the opportunity to farm in ways that have never been done before.

One of those new tools that we are bringing to the farming world is the gift of gab. We like to talk, so let’s talk. I cannot stress enough the critical role that community plays when it comes to running a small farm. Your family, your friends, your customers all play a part in keeping both you and your business healthy.

In today’s episode of the Growing Farms Podcast we discuss purging. How to positively release your negative emotions so that you maintain balance in your head and in your heart.

Things mentioned in today’s show:

I have used this text to help me grow as a person and become more comfortable talking with people. It is a book that I often recommend to people struggling with the people side of the business.

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john suscovich and troy bishopp

Your Hosts

Me and Troy have been friends for a number of years now. I have always seen him as someone I can turn to when I’m burning out, over-worked, or at my wits’ end. On the flip side he is also someone I can talk to when everything is going great. Having a friend or family member that you feel comfortable opening up to will help you through both good times and bad.

The goal is always to find the balance that works for you. Funny enough that balance comes more from your head and your heart that it does from whatever you are trying to achieve. Remember that we’re all humans, and humans need other humans in their lives.