Farm Brewery Update - January 2022

What Does Farmer John Do In The Winter?

In this farm podcast episode I give you some perspective on how my farm brewery business looks and functions. We are all on different paths, and I share these monthly updates to give more depth behind the farming and business advice that I share in the other content that I produce.

We’re going to go over:

  • my business structure

  • the logic behind my decision-making

  • my goals for 2022

Photos From The Farm

With every farm podcast monthly update I am going to include the “show notes - blog post” which you are reading now. I’ll share about a dozen or so of my favorite photographs from the month, with captions for each photo.

I take hundreds - if not thousands - of photographs each month. I use them for my farm brewery marketing, I share them with my family, and I store them away to come back to years from now when I want to remember where I have been, and the lessons I have learned. I would like to share this years’ photos with you on the blog to go with my podcasts, for no other reason than I hope they bring a smile to your face and brighten your day.

Winter Livestock Video

In case you did not know, I make YouTube videos as well. Here’s a video walkthrough of my winter livestock area with chickens, a pig(s), and some goats.

Winter livestock area walkthrough. How to raise multiples types of livestock in the winter.